Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Definitions

When I first left the US I had some ideas of what I thought missions was and was not, but after being gone some 3 odd months now, much of that has changed. Here's what I'm learning:

Missions is taking THEM on a 30 minute jog, for the 5 minutes of quality conversation it buys you.
Missions is using the money you would have spent on a coffee to buy some strange fruits to share with THEM.
Missions is hanging out with THEM in bars and red-light districts.
Missions is playing badminton after work with THEM everyday, even if it means missing out on a shower or dinner.
Missions is letting THEM put seafood on the pizza.
Missions is telling THEM boys are stupid when they are crying over a lost relationship.
Missions is embarrassing yourself by learning to do a Thai dance (even when you're not sure what exactly it means - something about a BBQ chicken and a kabob) just because it makes THEM laugh everytime you do it.
Missions is continuing to play Connect 4 with THEM, even though they beat you every time.
Missions is giving THEM your new shoes, becuase you saw them sneaking around wearing them when you weren't looking.
Missions is falling asleep with a Gecko under your bed, so as to not appear too squeamish to THEM.
Missions is watching Thai soaps with THEM, even if you can't understand a word of it.
Missions is loving THEM even when they don't deserve it, cause who of us ever really does?
Missions is about making THEM one of US because of HIM and HIS love for US.
Missions has nothing to do with ME.


Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Thanks for the insight into your world. btw, did you really sleep with a Gecko under your bed?!?! Mad props to you!!! haha

Love you. Thanks, as always for the updates. Let's try and catch up this weekend!

sarah bess said...

This is just awesome.